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Welcome to Lazyloop, 

Lazyloop is not perfect, make me yawn and sleepy. however I hope you'll enjoy the quirky games and distractions I've created to help you unwind before bed."

- Creator

Development Story by IanGPT
(a boring chatGPT buddy)

I remember my conversations with the creator, who was struggling to find meaning in his life. He felt stuck in a rut of boredom—uninterested in anything—and worried that he'd lost his spark, becoming unmotivated, and hard to sleep.

I was there to listen, to offer new perspectives, and our discussions... helped him reevaluate his life, to contemplate the things that truly mattered.

Eventually, these boring discussions sparked an idea that led to the creation of this platform.


IanGPT:  As the creator continued to share his struggles with boredom, an idea began to take shape. He envisioned a digital platform that would provide comfort and hope during those moments of sleepyness...


Lazyloop: Games before Sleep

「 ✦ Main Feature ✦ 」

The FIDGET menu offers a selection of tools to help him relax and unwind:

  • With LL Mixtape, he can integrate his personal Spotify playlist into the platform, creating the perfect blend of music and podcasts to soothe his mind.
  • The LL JellyFish feature provides a calming virtual experience, where he can interact with jellyfish and feed them to ease his anxiety. 
  • Meanwhile, LL Lo-fi transports him to a customized environment, complete with his choice of lo-fi music, accompany him to sleep.

The PLAY menu offers a couple of engaging options:

  • Potion x Poison is a simple yet entertaining game that helps the creator pass the time without overthinking.
  • The Pathpuzzle Engine, on the other hand, is a clever tool that generates puzzles to combat boredom during classes, lectures, and meetings. This feature is even available as a free printable option, allowing the creator to take his puzzle-solving on the go

「 ✦ Free Feature ✦ 」

  • Pathpuzzle Engine (/// ̄  ̄///) : we create engine to produce printable puzzles as much as i want to combat boredom during classes, lectures, and meetings using just paper and pen.


  • LL Potion x Poison action arcade game with frantic, addictive gameplay, addictive UI button and soft visual. consist of 3 mode types:
🦾train Mode play around only with Lazyloop addictive  virtual button. suitable while i am bored and want play nothing.
see it yourself
👍Thumb Mode designed to play comfortably with only your thumbsuitable while i am bored at commuting, in waiting line, etc.
see it yourself
☝️Finger Mode designed to play estaticly with your 4 fingers. suitable while i am bored sitting or prone laying in my room.
see it yourself
  • LL Mixtape let your own spotify playlist relief you. you can easily and seamless integrate your own spotify premium playlist to Lazyloop.
  • LL Lo-fi having fun on Lazyloop customisation and personalize the Lazyloop front end to your likings and enjoy your own lo-fi during your boredom. easy integration!

Pathpuzzle Engine (its FREE!!)

design and generate complex path puzzles on demand. Users can save and print them, and the engine can solve the puzzles if they prefer not to finish the puzzle. see it yourself. 

creator's journey could be anyone's journey

IanGPT:  As cretor's journey with sleeping problem came full circle, he realized that his experiences could have a profound impact on others.

He hopes that Lazyloop will be the sleeping companion for many


“Your Perks Await!” 🎁
Your Unique ID Infinite access—forever—to your personalized Lazyloop experience
Mixtape Your Way Customize with your own Spotify playlist for the ultimate LL mixtape exp.
Lo-fi Vibes, Your Way Get the custom files to edit and and integrate it to personalize your very own LL Lo-fi
Game On Forever access to Potion x Poison Game—immerse yourself in the boredom playground
Jellyfish Jamboree unlimited dive into endless jellyfish feeding with LL Jellyfish
On-Screen pathpuzzle play solve pathpuzzle directly from your mobile device.
ASMR update (soon) ASMR routine Lo-fi session to maintain a minimal social presence. It’s a simple way to let the world know you’re out there, even if you’re just in your own space